Tuesday, January 31, 2017



   I will just start out this review by stating for me this book was neither bad nor good, it was just your average romance novel, but with that being said I will explain the pros and cons I see in this books. So to start on a positive note I will say what I liked about this book. First, this is a short simple read, and when I say it is an easy read I am speaking to the fact that it is not a book you have to pay attention to every single word and line in order to keep up with the story, so you can skip over words here and there as many do and you will still understand what is going on with the story. Second, it is a nice romantic story that leaves you with a happily ever after feeling. Third, from what I can tell even though the title of the book states this is the first book in the series this is a standalone novel, so no cliffhangers.
            Now for the cons. First the story is completely unoriginal, it is your typical love struggle of girl and boy falling for each other, but cannot be together yet in the end somehow they find a way to make their love work and live happily ever after. So on that same note to me this story line did have a lot of potential that could have been explored but the author failed to do so, instead just gave the reader another typical romance. As well the story surrounds a ballet school, but when the main character Catherine or “Cat” gets her starring role, the first opening performance was complete skipped over and truthfully the aspect of dance is really a backburner topic, that I really wish the author had done more research in and really included that since I feel this would have given the storyline more depth and made it slightly less typical. Then the males lead of the story, Dmitri, also has this backstory that I feel could have been explored that also would have given the storyline more depth. For instance, his accident that derailed his career, the reader is never really told what happened, was it his fault? Was he drinking? Did someone purposefully injure him? These are just a few off the top of my head that could have been question the author asked themselves to give and extra story a little extra, so again it would not be so typical. So in conclusion, if you want an easy read that ends in a happy ending with no cliffhangers, this you will love this book, but if you are not into that and want stories with a little more realism and “meat on their bones” then I would skip it. This is the first book of a series so I am hoping as the author writes and gets into the rhythm of her stories they will improve.

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Lord of Desire

The Lord of Desire

By: L.L. Rideau


Before starting this book there is one very important factor the reader must take into consideration, and that this book is a prequel to a new series by the author entitled “Breaking a Cycle”. This is important since the book is very short, only 95 pages, which makes it extremely hard to get proper character and story development, but since it is only a prequel or more like an introduction to the characters we will learn more about in upcoming full length novels and to provide some background information, it makes it easier to understand the length. The story itself is an enjoyable read, that gives a big build to a climax and resolution that I would say are not as grand as the buildup. The story is your “harlequin romance” type romance novel, which means it has the “perfect happily ever after” ending where the main character, Massey gets her man and maybe a new addition to the family. So in that aspect the novel is predictable, but for an easy read like this it can be nice. 

                The novel is categorized as an erotic novel, so the next question would be on how does it holds up in that aspect. There are some spicy sex scenes, but very few, the sex scenes do not make an appearance until the book itself its over 60 percent complete, which is a letdown. As well as they are not overly graphic in detail, this is an aspect that again mirrors things typical of harlequin novels. So would I recommend this book? For someone looking for an easy, quick romance to read yes, but if you are someone that really wants to get caught up in the romance and characters, then no , I would just wait for the novels that this is a prequel for to come out.

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