Sunday, October 26, 2008

Long semi-bookish weekend.

This weekend probably shouldn't be called the "bookish weekend" but really the "I'm too tired to read so I'll just collect more books weekend." Friday, the boyfriend and I went to Nashville to see The Crystal Method. I took my current read, Long, Lean, and Lethal by Heather Graham, hoping I could get some reading done on the trip there, but that just didn't seem to happen. Both of us were too anxious and excited to get there.

After a three hour trip home on 3 hours of sleep, we were both extremely ready to be home. Low-a-behold when I pull into the driveway, there is a bookcrossing bookbox waiting for me on the porch. Even though I was pretty much having to hold my eyelids open, I tore open the box and looked through. These are the books I've decided to keep.

The Lost by Jack Ketchum
Silent Night 2 by R.L. Stine
Dust to Dust by Tami Hoag
Anatomy of Fear by Jonathan Santlofer
One for the Money by Janet Evanovich

There is no method to my book picking madness. If it looks interesting in anyway, then I take it. If my interest is piqued in anyway then I might as well give it a try. I'll just end up bookcrossing it if I don't enjoy it. I'm also thinking of doing a few giveaways on Book and Cranny so make sure you check back for those.

So now, that my long weekend is nearing it's end, I will pick the book back up and continue to update.


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